Sunday, November 2, 2014

If Only Everyone Could Have a Mom like Mine

There is really nothing like seeing your mom cry about you.

And there is nothing like feeling responsible for every tear.

She's making freezer meals for every day she's going to be on bed rest and I can't stand the fact I'm causing her anymore stress.

She is my absolute best friend.

We watched a hallmark movie together this morning and we both liked it because of how predicable it was. She told me how it was nice to watch a movie that didn't cause any worry.

I know we would both like our lives to be a little more predicable than they are.

I don't think I have ever met anyone as selfless as her.

She sends me on average 3 texts a day that say, "I love you".

She is my hero.

25 Ways Like Mother, Like Daughteramour


  1. This is one of the sweetest things I've ever read.

    Moms rule.

  2. Awesome! I love my mom too. Rock on moms! :D
